Friday 30 September 2011

Mon Printemps 

 The sky is monotonal grey, heralding the promise of Spring rain. Will it deliver?
Spring should be refreshing – a time of hope and renewal. The rhythm of this season is reassuring ……….the fleeting displays of blossom. ………festoons of light green confetti cling securely to the bare branches of winter……….the fresh green, (occasionally tinged with yellow or pink ) of the new growth on the evergreens ……….

              And the scent-laden air carrying the perfumes and unwelcome allergens of Spring – reminders that life is never perfect.

During the last decade, the promise of Spring has given way to despair as the seasonal rains dwindled. There is a whole generation that is unaware that in Victoria, October is “the wettest month”. This is evident by the recent, uncharacteristic rise in the number of Spring brides. 

Although it has just commenced, this Spring has the hallmarks of the Springs of old. Wonderful …….except for my red nose and heavy dependence on antihistamines!

Le Printemps par Théophile Gautier
Regardez les branches

Comme elles sont blanches,

Il neige des fleurs.
Riant de la pluie

Le soleil essuie

les saules en pleurs.
Et le ciel reflète

Dans la violette

Ses pures couleurs...
La mouche ouvre l'aile

Et la demoiselle

Aux prunelles d'or,

Au corset de guêpe

Dépliant son crêpe,

A repris l'essor.
L'eau gaiement babille,

Le goujon frétille

Un printemps encore !
Spring is a time when I dust off my camera- I love capturing the images of Spring flowers. What do you love about Spring?

1 comment:

Maison de lin said...


How crazy here in Belgium begins the fall. You have a real talent for taking pictures, they are wonderful.

Have a nice weekend