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Michael Leunig |
Would I switch
my voluminous mop with Annie’s
(Plum Siena) very fine, very straight hair? Surely this option must be better than having a cranial duvet,
especially in the hot summer months when I am too vain to be shorn in order to
keep cool?
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Courtsey Google Images* |
As Karin (La Pouyette) observed, "whatever country, Germany, London, France... hairdressers are
the same all over! Nobody seems to be concerned about the days of depression
after a coiffure visit".....For me it has been years of emotional "ups and downs" at the hands of hairdressers.
Post script:
Please visit the comments to last week's blog, Bad Hair Days....Months....Years - very entertaining and so true.....and sometimes a touch sad (to which I can relate.)
Courtsey Google Images* - if you are the owner of this image, please notify me so you can be acknowledged.
Oh Elizabeth - you made me laughing again!
Actually, after nearly 50! years of "hair traumas", without a psychiatrist at hand, I've given up. As long as I'm not looking like Frankenstein's daughter and as long as Mr. B still recognize me after my return from the Coiffeur and not saying "who are you and what have you done with my wife" - it's okay. So, I made peace with this special type of persons, so far.....???...
Best wishes for a lovely Sunday and a good and non-frizzy week!
( my hair is uncomplicated )
Cranial duvet, love it!
Je me suis bien amusée en visitant votre blog... Je m'autoriserai une prochaine balade...
Gros bisous
I'll just tell you what a hairdresser told me years ago, (after I let a friend give me a home perm so I could have the "tousled look"), "Virginia, you have straight hair, you just need to accept it and live with it. It will NEVER be curly. A lot of people would kill to have hair like yours." That seemed to help! :)
Well, I have no consolation to offer, sadly, as I am hair traumatized myself. Sigh. I took an hour to straighten my frizz and it did indeed straighten into a thin, sad, limpness.
We just have to hang in there!
Bisous and thank you for the smile on the Sunday evening,
Oh I have now found the "other blog" !! Yay! I am off to the original post; all I can say is that I fight the frizz all the time, and running around like a crazy woman with much to do doesn't seem to help me out much! Have a lovely week~
Merci pour vos paroles chaleureuses... gros bisous à bientôt
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