I revel in harmless rituals that create a sense of anticipation and enjoyment. One such practice is our regular weekend tête à tête over some nibbles while drinking champagne- authentique of course - with my French girlfriend, Angelique. Conversation easily flows following its usual path - a few laughs; highs and lows of our week; work; news ... of various sorts ... food; wine; life in general and of course, life in France et Ma Folie Française
On the opposite sides of the globe, Angelique and I were both brought up in households that drank a glass of carefully chosen wine with dinner. No beer in our fridge. No mixed drinks - with the exception of the occassional good G&T in summer. Defintely no excess. As the years have passed this practice has continued..........
My downfall is drinking wine while chatting socially, when waiters wander through the crowd topping up my glass while I am too busy talking to register what is happening - or my host does likewise.
In our house, I'm nick-named "Cadburys" - a glass and a half (of wine) and I am useless. A situation that is not pleasant for me - occasionally amusing for others - with prolonged, negative effects on my feelings of wellbeing. Consequently I am usually a "one standard drink" sort of woman. But put a wonderful glass of French champagne in my hand, get me talking about France in my best (albeit faulty) French, add a hostess who is very liberal with drinks and blessed with the ability to produce vast quantities of alcohol dehydrogenase et voila.....une catastrophe pour moi!
Ah....the price of the good life! NSR - no sympathy required...........
Courtesy of FracChampagne |
* Champagne labels obtained through Google.
Bonjour Elizabeth. You and I have the same problem. When my husband met me, he said I was a "cheap date." Not that cheap if the glass I am holding happens to be filled with bubbly... but cheap all the same since it only takes a couple to make me feel... very relaxed :-) I am often the designated driver at parties, but I do not mind. A little goes a long way for me. Still, the little had better be a good one, like the labels you show us here :-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
Hi Elizabeth, it sounds like you have a lovely tradition with your dear friend! I, like you, am a one to one and a half glass limit! I do enjoy a wonderful wine or champagne!
Last day for Scalamandre Giveaway!
Elizabeth, you and I are sisters! We should include Veronique as well. "Cheap date" is exactly what my husband says and he does not mind if I order a single glass of the most expensive wine. I may be limited in my consumption, but I want only the best!
My Alsatian blood unfortunately allows me to drink more than a glass and still feel ok....but we are looking forward to testing you out on some vintage burgundies and some solid food....one day soon! Almost as good as bubbly!
I'm of a more sturdy constitution - but that constant topping up by waiters is lethal!
That made me laugh as I know exactly what you mean with the waiters regularly topping up your glass and suddenly finding yourself wondering why "only one or two glasses" make me feel sooo - er, well - drunk!
Thanks for your lovely comment, of course I don't mind if you copy the Advent calendar idea, thanks for asking though. I mostly think that if I did mind, I wouldn't put it on the internet ;-) I do, however, always appreciate people asking. Have a lovely day xo
Pop and glow! :)
May the peace and joy of the season be yours.
"Cheap date" - love it! Just have one here and there over the year with myself!
Your Champagne collection is very GOOD!
My favorite one was - and still is - the Roederer Cristal! Just a bit on the high side price wise at the moment for our budget :(
Santé, my Dear!
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