Thursday, 28 June 2012

The 3-Ringed Circus

Courtesy of Google
The 3-ringed circus involving notre maison en France continues: 
  • the wrong type of window was used to replace a large window that was broken, but overlooked when the renovation estimates were given; 
  • the ceramic sink is out of production until September (despite being in the current product catalogue) - the person organising the insertion of the kitchen just went ahead and purchased another type without consultation; 
  • my beloved flagstones have been taken up and dumped outside; 
  • the quotes for the re plastering were so grossly underestimated that the sitting room, bedroom, hallway and ceilings have been left untouched; 
  • the plasterer has damaged his ankle on another job so he hasn't finished his contract with us; 
  • the bathroom is unfinished - the plumber started with another client so he is now juggling multiple contracts;
  • My French Folly. Courtesy of Matt & Meeri
  • the new 2 windows which were to be inserted in the dining room have been scrapped because the planning permit  hasn’t been granted (as yet) even though it was submitted 12 months ago……well at least that’s what I’ve been told! 
What makes me hopping mad is that if the project was managed within the timeframe set out when we engaged services of My Man on the Ground, many of the issues and disappointments that we’ve experienced in order to get the house to a habitable standard, would not have occurred.  
If anything else goes wrong with My French Folly, I’ll “blow a gasket”..........I had a dream…… I had a budget………I have an expensive nightmare!
One of the views from My French Folly, Courtesy of Matt & Meeri


julia said...

Frustrating, expensive, disappointing but this is how it can be in France. On the plus side, the view is delightful and once your house is finished it will all have been worth it

Bonne chance!

martinealison said...

Pas simple tout ça ma pauvre... Parfois en France, il y a des lieux où les difficultés s'accumulent très vite... J'ai eu ce problème lorsque je vivais à Port-Grimaud, mais aucun avec ma maison en Auvergne!

Gros bisous

French said...

Ah, travaux!! Don't blow that gasket, just work through it! I will try to phone soon. We have our own issues here that have me crazed! Thinking of you and sending warm wishes~

Unknown said...

I sympathise getting things done in France is not always easy. I think that is why we chose to buy a completed property with guarantees.

Unknown said...

I do sympathise it is not easy to get work done in France.

Ann said...

You're a millimeter closer.
More importantly, you are in Europe!
Soak it up for us.

bee bon said...

I was going to say... One day you will look back

Then I decided, it's not what you want to hear! it is what it is on the day!!!
Hope this part flash's by for you