Saturday 24 December 2011

Joyeux Noël

Merry Christmas and best wishes for a peaceful, prosperous and happy 2012.

 Joyeux Noël et une très bonne année 2012. 
Que cette année vous apporte, à vous et à votre famille, bonheur et prospérité.

Signing off until the New Year

Time for .....

Christmas is a time to focus on people, not on presents.

A time for giving thanks and for offering forgiveness
A time of love
A time to enjoy the sanctuary of old traditions and perhaps create some new ones.
A time  to celebrate a conglomeration of the ridiculous, bad taste, creativity and good design.
A time for laughter and joy. 
And for some, a time of fierce competition and one-upmanship ……….  so exhausting!

So what do you do if the Christmas spirit doesn’t grab you …….  you’ve burnt the turkey ……. forgotten to heat  the plumb pudding …….  you’re seated next to a dreaded in-law  …….  or just think it’s all bah and humbug?
Just go with the flow.
Courtesy of Oslo Davis & The Age
Enjoy the spirit of Christmas and the pleasure of others who are in the festive mood. There should be no “have to” or guilt at this time of year. 

I love Christmas …... for many reasons.

May the peace and joy of Christmas be with you and your family in 2012.

Friday 23 December 2011

Christmas Carols

Christmas carols are embraced with fervor in the Land Downunder, despite their occasional inappropriateness!
Courtesy of Andrew Weldon and The Age
Currently the temperature in Melbourne is hovering around 30 0 C
Joyeux Noël 

Wednesday 21 December 2011

That's Life

There has been a general malaise on my blog due to the editorial censorship of Mr R. Posts have been written but decreed too serious or too humdrum - a reflection of the current state of proceedings.
The Block Arcade, Melbourne

Christmas preparations have been smooth and uneventful. All presents have been purchased, the family decorated the tree without debate and my contribution to the cooking of the Christmas feast is under control. 
The only adrenalin rushes I've had of late are when, white knuckled and teeth clenched, I've raced other cars for a rare, vacant parking space - with varying degrees of success. Respectable women and the lingering smell of burning rubber is not an association that one would usually make! ………But it is the silly season! 
For a bit of light relief from the pre Christmas preparations I suppose I could contemplate being naughty, which would please Mr. R and save Santa a trip……if only I had some energy left by the end of the day!
It seems that everyone is getting into tattoos......Not me!
Cartoon - courtesy of Oslo Davis & The Age