On the opposite sides of the globe, Angelique and I were both brought up in households that drank a glass of carefully chosen wine with dinner. No beer in our fridge. No mixed drinks - with the exception of the occassional good G&T in summer. Defintely no excess. As the years have passed this practice has continued..........
My downfall is drinking wine while chatting socially, when waiters wander through the crowd topping up my glass while I am too busy talking to register what is happening - or my host does likewise.
In our house, I'm nick-named "Cadburys" - a glass and a half (of wine) and I am useless. A situation that is not pleasant for me - occasionally amusing for others - with prolonged, negative effects on my feelings of wellbeing. Consequently I am usually a "one standard drink" sort of woman. But put a wonderful glass of French champagne in my hand, get me talking about France in my best (albeit faulty) French, add a hostess who is very liberal with drinks and blessed with the ability to produce vast quantities of alcohol dehydrogenase et voila.....une catastrophe pour moi!
Ah....the price of the good life! NSR - no sympathy required...........
Courtesy of FracChampagne |
* Champagne labels obtained through Google.